My PhD program allocated me more time for teaching than is usual for UK PhD courses. This gave me the opportunity to get involved with a wide variety of teaching activities.
I have also taken a Masters level course offered by St Andrews University on Module and Curriculum design, and am subsequently an Associate Member of Advance HE (Formerly the Higher Education Authority)
I have also taken a Masters level course offered by St Andrews University on Module and Curriculum design, and am subsequently an Associate Member of Advance HE (Formerly the Higher Education Authority)
What is Biodiversity
A two hour lecture introducing biodiversity quantification and conservation to the students enrolled on the Retirement is Opportunity program of the St Andrews University Open Association.
Scottish Conservation and Controversy
A one hour lecture for the Friday evening lecture series of the St Andrews University Open Association.
A two hour lecture introducing biodiversity quantification and conservation to the students enrolled on the Retirement is Opportunity program of the St Andrews University Open Association.
Scottish Conservation and Controversy
A one hour lecture for the Friday evening lecture series of the St Andrews University Open Association.
Undergraduate level demonstrating
BL1101: Biology 1
This module is a broad introduction to mostly cellular biology and involves students learning practical lab skills and basic biological knowledge. As a demonstrator I supervised groups of 12 students at a time, who I mentored throughout the module. I taught skills including microscopy, pipette handling and scientific drawing. I also led tutorials on soft skill subjects and marked all the student coursework.
BL1102: Biology 2
A basic introduction to ecology for the 1st year students. This module has the same structure of 12 students per demonstrator, but focuses more on ecological subjects. During this module I taught dissection microscopy, identification key use and writing, field surveying using quadrats on rocky shores, mammal skull interpretation, basic R coding skills and herbarium preparation. I also set and marked an essay question of my choice based on the themes of the module. As part of the assessments I examined student oral vivas.
BL2102: Zoology
I demonstrated the dissections of various vertebrates and invertebrates, including starfish, quail, herring and garden snails.
BL2307 Ecology
As a demonstrator on this module I assisted with practicals involving data analysis and explaining evolutionary processes.
BL2310 Comparative Physiology
I assisted with practicals explaining logarithms and scaling, stimulated starfish spawning and analysed urine content.
BL3320 Statistics
Computer based practical sessions using R to analyse a wide variety of data. I demonstrated on labs themed around linear models, Principle Component Analysis, generalised linear models, chai squared tests, curve fitting and data presentation.
BL3308 Aquatic Ecology Field Course
A weekend residential field trip with 40-60 students focused on freshwater invertebrate surveying. As a member of staff on this module I supervised a group of 10 students surveying a pond and a river in the highlands of Scotland. I was responsible for the health and safety of my students, as well teaching sampling techniques and the use of various biodiversity metrics.
BL3000 Field Course (Orielton)
An 8 day residential ecology field course at the Orielton Field Studies Council centre in South Wales with 40-60 students. This course introduces students to shore ecosystems and the process of experimental research. I gave advice on project design and data analysis, supervised fieldwork and delivered student to appropriate locations using the centre minivan. After the field course I orally examined students on their knowledge of the field course in 15 minute long vivas.
This module is a broad introduction to mostly cellular biology and involves students learning practical lab skills and basic biological knowledge. As a demonstrator I supervised groups of 12 students at a time, who I mentored throughout the module. I taught skills including microscopy, pipette handling and scientific drawing. I also led tutorials on soft skill subjects and marked all the student coursework.
BL1102: Biology 2
A basic introduction to ecology for the 1st year students. This module has the same structure of 12 students per demonstrator, but focuses more on ecological subjects. During this module I taught dissection microscopy, identification key use and writing, field surveying using quadrats on rocky shores, mammal skull interpretation, basic R coding skills and herbarium preparation. I also set and marked an essay question of my choice based on the themes of the module. As part of the assessments I examined student oral vivas.
BL2102: Zoology
I demonstrated the dissections of various vertebrates and invertebrates, including starfish, quail, herring and garden snails.
BL2307 Ecology
As a demonstrator on this module I assisted with practicals involving data analysis and explaining evolutionary processes.
BL2310 Comparative Physiology
I assisted with practicals explaining logarithms and scaling, stimulated starfish spawning and analysed urine content.
BL3320 Statistics
Computer based practical sessions using R to analyse a wide variety of data. I demonstrated on labs themed around linear models, Principle Component Analysis, generalised linear models, chai squared tests, curve fitting and data presentation.
BL3308 Aquatic Ecology Field Course
A weekend residential field trip with 40-60 students focused on freshwater invertebrate surveying. As a member of staff on this module I supervised a group of 10 students surveying a pond and a river in the highlands of Scotland. I was responsible for the health and safety of my students, as well teaching sampling techniques and the use of various biodiversity metrics.
BL3000 Field Course (Orielton)
An 8 day residential ecology field course at the Orielton Field Studies Council centre in South Wales with 40-60 students. This course introduces students to shore ecosystems and the process of experimental research. I gave advice on project design and data analysis, supervised fieldwork and delivered student to appropriate locations using the centre minivan. After the field course I orally examined students on their knowledge of the field course in 15 minute long vivas.
Summer Schools
I planned and delivered various ecology themed practical sessions for summer schools the University of St Andrews runs for school and collage pupils.
Freshwater invertebrate sampling
With the help of two demonstrators I collected invertebrates sampled using kick-netting, and brought them into a lab for Sutton Trust pupils to identify and calculate biodiversity metrics. This involved an introductory 30 minute lecture and 1 hour 30 mins of practical.
Plant morphology and adaption
A 2 hour practical session on the theme of plant morphology and adaption. I prepared handouts and activities for 20 students (age 15-17) related to adaptions of plants in various greenhouses to their respective habitats. This involved supervising two demonstrators. The practical was set in the St Andrews Botanic Garden, so I wrote an appropriate risk assessment and coordinated with Garden staff.
Freshwater invertebrate sampling
With the help of two demonstrators I collected invertebrates sampled using kick-netting, and brought them into a lab for Sutton Trust pupils to identify and calculate biodiversity metrics. This involved an introductory 30 minute lecture and 1 hour 30 mins of practical.
Plant morphology and adaption
A 2 hour practical session on the theme of plant morphology and adaption. I prepared handouts and activities for 20 students (age 15-17) related to adaptions of plants in various greenhouses to their respective habitats. This involved supervising two demonstrators. The practical was set in the St Andrews Botanic Garden, so I wrote an appropriate risk assessment and coordinated with Garden staff.