About Me
I am a postdoctoral position in Dr Elizabeth Wolcovich's lab at the University of British Columbia's Faculty of Forestry, studying climate change adaption and cold hardiness in wine grapes. I focus on the wine industry in the Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada, and am especially interested in sharing my work with industry stakeholders to improve climate change adaption and agricultural practices.
Previous to that, I completed a PhD at the University of St Andrews, based in the Biodiversity and Behaviour Group at the Centre for Biological Diversity. My research topic aimed to answer questions around global biodiversity change, macroecology and community ecology. My aim was to increase understanding of fundamental ecological processes and contribute to increasing knowledge for conservation purposes. I focused on long term, multi taxa, analysis of changes in community structure using the BioTIME database. BIOGRAPHY
2019 - present Postdoc at the University of British Columbia Lab: Wolkovich Temporal Ecology 2015–2019 PhD student at the University of St Andrews. Supervisor: Professor Anne Magurran 2014-2015 Research intern at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanic Garden, Yunnan, China 2010–2014 Bangor University BSc (Hons.) Applied Terrestrial and Marine Ecology As part of this degree I spent a year working as a research assistant for the Centre for the Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor. AWARDS and GRANTS
2017 University of St Andrews grant of £150 to attend the British Ecological Society (BES) Ecology Across Boarders conference in Ghent December 2017. 2017 University of St Andrews £800 grant towards the BES Macroecology Conference 2018. 2016 Santander Research Mobility Award. A £560 grant awarded for travel and attendance at the iDiv Summer School 2016. 2014 Welsh Ornithological Society Student Research Award for Undergraduate Dissertation Research. |